
Conviértete en Curador Certificado de Música de Soundtrack

Consigue el 10% de la cuota de suscripción del cliente en comisiones recurrentes.

Una sola cuenta para gestionar fácilmente todos sus clientes

Onboarding con un Especialista de Soundtrack

Insignia de Curador Certificado y material de marketing para su sitio web

Un servicio que se adapta a tu forma de trabajar actual

Crea listas de reproducción en Spotify

Importar a Soundtrack

Programa para tus clientes

Crea listas de reproducción en Spotify como lo haces hoy. Sólo tienes que arrastrarlas y soltarlas en Soundtrack para que se reproduzcan exactamente en el orden que establezcas, sin canciones añadidas.

Pero ahora puedes programarlas para que se reproduzcan automáticamente cuando tú quieras: obtienes lo mejor de ambos mundos.

Y siempre puedes crear listas de reproducción legales en Soundtrack canción por canción, o personalizar cualquiera de las miles de listas de reproducción de Soundtrack para ahorrar tiempo y seguir teniendo tu firma creativa.

“I am in charge of the background music designs for a variety of bars and clubs. Having the possibility to import Spotify playlists and then schedule them is an incredible feature that makes it so easy to adjust the timings in any way needed, from anywhere I am.”

Norbert Platzer
Music Experience Manager
Bangkok, Thailand

“To be honest, there is not really an alternative for curators. It is the only legal service where you can play music on demand, and it's connected to Spotify. What else do you need?”

Zoë Burnard
Founder of the Music Arcitect
Zürich, Switzerland

“I have been working with Soundtrack for many years now. They have made it easy for curators like me to create and build my own business. The music library is massive and has lots of depth. I also really like the fact that all artists are compensated and it's something both Soundtrack and myself value.”

Dana Baird
Black Hemlock Music
Vancover, Canada

“Soundtrack gives us the possibility to play the music that fits our clients' specific needs, such as spa music.”

Olivier Amiel / Dj Sub Zero, Curator for Luxury Spa Hotel du Collectionneur & SLS South Beach
Miami, US

“With Soundtrack we are able to curate on a local level, but on a global scale.”

Nick Parmar, Senior Director at W Hotels, Los Angeles, US

“The best streaming system platform for business out there.”

David Levinsson,
Levinsson Music & Media Group AB
Gothenburg, Sweden

“The best streaming system platform for business out there.”

Levinsson Music & Media Group AB
Gothenburg, Sweden

Conviértete en Curador Certificado de Soundtrack

Consigue un 10% de comisiones directamente en tu cuenta PayPal.