Become a Certified
Soundtrack AV integrator
Get 10% of your client’s subscription fee in recurring commissions
Easy for you, easy for your clients
Recommend Soundtrack to your client
Install the AV system with Soundtrack as the music provider
Get 10% recurring commissions straight into your PayPal account
The right music for any client
Your customers get the world’s largest catalog of music licensed for business, which means not having to choose between getting the music they want and being legal.
Central control
Control what’s playing in all locations, from anywhere. Keeping the music fresh has never been easier.
Personalized onboarding
Your Soundtrack program manager will teach you how to quickly set up Soundtrack and walk you through the product. A user-friendly product just got friendlier.
Become a Certified Soundtrack AV Integrator
Tell us about yourself and your business. We’ll review your application and, once approved, you’ll begin the onboarding process.